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Hamlet could NEVER make his mind up about ANYTHING. And one time he actually went to school in just his pants and got sent home because he couldn't decide what to wear. When Izzy (star of The Spy Who Loved School Dinners) is asked to tell her friends some HILARIOUS and SCARY stories she knows exactl...
Hamlet could NEVER make his mind up about ANYTHING. And one time he actually went to school in just his pants and got sent home because he couldn't decide what to wear. When Izzy (star of The Spy Who Loved School Dinners) is asked to tell her friends some HILARIOUS and SCARY stories she knows exactly where to look: Shakespeare, the king of SUPER dramatic stuff.
After learning about Macbeth (a STRONG solider who ate four bowls of porridge and twenty pieces of toast every morning) her friends want more. So Hamlet, A Midsummer Night's Dream, and Romeo and Juliet all get the Izzy treatment. There's blood and guts, ghosty stuff, and plenty of people wandering around in their nighties.
The perfect introduction to the Bard!Izzy's version of Macbeth originally appeared on the BBC Radio series 'Shakespeare Retold', read by actress Shirley Henderson (who played Moaning Myrtle in the Harry Potter films!). Read more of Izzy's adventures in these other books written by Pamela Butchart:Baby Aliens Got My TeacherThe Spy Who Loved School DinnersMy Headteacher Is a Vampire RatAttack of the Demon Dinner Ladies
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