• Meet the Artist: Sophie Taeuber-Arp

    Whitley, Zoé / Barnes, Lesley Tate Ref. 9781849766937 Veure articles del mateix autor
    Featuring quirky, delightful illustrations by Lesley Barnes and fun, engaging text by Zoe Whitley. * New title in the popular Tate Meet the Artist series. Enter into the vivid world of Sophie Taeuber-Arp and create your own original art along the way! Meet the Artist: Sophie Taeuber-Arp is packed wi...
    Peso: 250 gr
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    12,50 €
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    • ISBN : 978-1-84976-693-7
    • Data de publicació : 28/08/2024
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autor/s : Whitley, Zoé / Barnes, Lesley
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    Featuring quirky, delightful illustrations by Lesley Barnes and fun, engaging text by Zoe Whitley. * New title in the popular Tate Meet the Artist series. Enter into the vivid world of Sophie Taeuber-Arp and create your own original art along the way! Meet the Artist: Sophie Taeuber-Arp is packed with make-and-dos and inspiring activities for budding young artists.

    Experiment with puppet making and papier-mache, make your own abstract stained glass tealight and be design a dada necklace or even become an abstract poet!The revised and expanded Meet the Artist series of activity books introduces children to renowned artists in a fun and engaging way. Every book includes an introduction to the artist's life followed by a series of activities that explore prominent themes and ideas in the artist's work. Featuring beautiful reproductions of key artworks, and illustrated by a leading contemporary illustrator, every book in the Meet the Artist series encourages children to use art to explore ideas and express their own experiences through art-making.

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