• Meet the Artist: Andy Warhol

    Blake, Rose Tate Ref. 9781849766876 Veure articles del mateix autor
    Meet the Artist: Andy Warhol is packed with make-and-dos and inspiring activities for budding young artists. Experiment with printing and blotted line drawings, design your own disco outfit and be famous for 15 minutes, make your very own time capsule and even become the director of your own movie!B...
    Peso: 250 gr
    Disponibilitat immediata
    12,50 €
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    • ISBN : 978-1-84976-687-6
    • Data de publicació : 28/08/2024
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autor/s : Blake, Rose
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    Meet the Artist: Andy Warhol is packed with make-and-dos and inspiring activities for budding young artists. Experiment with printing and blotted line drawings, design your own disco outfit and be famous for 15 minutes, make your very own time capsule and even become the director of your own movie!Bursting with inspiring activities, the revised and expanded Meet the Artist series of activity books introduces children to internationally renowned artists in a fun and engaging way. Every book includes a brief introduction to the artist’s life followed by a series of activities that explore prominent themes and ideas in the artist’s body of work.

    Featuring beautiful reproductions of key artworks, and illustrated by a leading contemporary illustrator, every book in the Meet the Artist series encourages children to use art as an avenue for exploring ideas and expressing their own experiences through art-making. Andy Warhol was the son of immigrants who became an American icon. A shy observer who became the hub of New York’s social scene.

    An artist who embraced consumerism, celebrity and counter culture – changing modern art in the process who transformed pop culture and became a ground-breaking artist. Enter into the vivid world of Andy Warhol and create your own original art along the way!

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