• Jill and the Dragon

    Barnes, Lesley Tate Ref. 9781849763400 Veure articles del mateix autor
    ...and they all lived happily ever after...'At least, that's what Jill's story book tries telling her, butJill can't help noticing that at the end of the story, onecharacter looks far from happy. Dragon is despised bythe King because all he can do is singe, burn andbarbeque. So in an attempt to see ...
    Peso: 250 gr
    Disponibilitat immediata
    17,50 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-84976-340-0
    • Data de publicació : 01/09/2015
    • Any d'edició : 2015
    • Autor/s : Barnes, Lesley
    • Núm. de pàgines : 32
    ...and they all lived happily ever after...'At least, that's what Jill's story book tries telling her, butJill can't help noticing that at the end of the story, onecharacter looks far from happy. Dragon is despised bythe King because all he can do is singe, burn andbarbeque. So in an attempt to see her fairy tale ringtrue, Jill invites Dragon out of the book so she can teachhim some alternative life skills.Dragon throws himself into all of Jill's favourite things:flower arranging, fashion styling, playing the trumpet,and hosting a tea party, with disappointing results.When it seems like all hope is lost, Jill and Dragondiscover Dragon has one very unique, and palatable,hidden talent...

    A stunning debut from an exciting illustrator, Jill andDragon introduces a feisty, independent-minded newcharacter in Jill, and reminds us that everyone has atalent, however well hidden.

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