• In Paris

    Jolivet, Joëlle / Badescu, Ramona Les Grandes Personnes Ref. 9782361937317 Veure articles del mateix autor
    There is a place where the barges glide and the water shimmers green and grey.A place where, the same day, you can admire the Mona Lisa, cobbled streets, the elegant Eiffel Tower.And meet people, people, people all around… each one different from the rest of the crowd.Yes, the lives, the possibiliti...
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    • ISBN : 978-2-36193-731-7
    • Data de publicació : 24/05/2024
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autor/s : Jolivet, Joëlle / Badescu, Ramona
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    There is a place where the barges glide and the water shimmers green and grey.

    A place where, the same day, you can admire the Mona Lisa, cobbled streets, the elegant Eiffel Tower.
    And meet people, people, people all around… each one different from the rest of the crowd.
    Yes, the lives, the possibilities are endless, here, in Paris !

    Joëlle Jolivet and her stunning engravings, Ramona Badescu and her poetic language take us on an exciting journey through Paris, to meet its monuments and its history, but not only… Sit on the terrace of a café, listen to street musicians or do some shopping at the bouquinistes along the Seine or markets…

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