• Good Night, Gorilla

    Egmont Ref. 9781405263764
    'Good night, Gorilla,' says the night watchman as he finishes his rounds at the zoo. But Gorilla has other ideas, deftly pick-pocketing the watchman's keys and letting himself out of his cage, whilst letting Elephant, Lion, Hyena, Giraffe and Armadillo out too! The weary watchman makes his way home ...
    Peso: 250 gr
    Consultar per e-mail abans de fer la comanda
    13,00 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-4052-6376-4
    • Data de publicació : 01/07/2018
    • Any d'edició : 2018
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    'Good night, Gorilla,' says the night watchman as he finishes his rounds at the zoo. But Gorilla has other ideas, deftly pick-pocketing the watchman's keys and letting himself out of his cage, whilst letting Elephant, Lion, Hyena, Giraffe and Armadillo out too! The weary watchman makes his way home and into bed ... unaware that his friends from the zoo are right behind him!

    Beautifully crafted illustrations and a calming, easy-to-follow text make this zoo story a delight for toddlers and young children aged 2+. Kids who loved Goodnight Moon and Good Night, little Bear will love Good Night, Gorilla.

    Peggy Rathmann's first children's book, Ruby the Copycat, turned an embarrassing personal incident into a well-received story and earned the "most promising new author" distinction in the 1991 Cuffies Awards. Her second book, Good Night, Gorilla, was an American Library Association Notable Children's Book and her third title, Officer Buckle and Gloria, allowed Rathmann to walk off with the Caldecott Medal in 1996. Good Night Gorilla was inspired by Peggy's love for gorillas, "I wanted to teach sign language to gorillas, but after taking a class in signing, I realized what I'd rather do was draw pictures of gorillas".

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