• Where's Wally? Through History Activity Book

    Handford, Martin Walker Books Ref. 9781529503159 Veure articles del mateix autor
    Hop in a time machine with Wally and join in with the fun through history! Includes games, puzzles and searches set through the ages from the days of the dinosaurs to the wild west and beyond, plus over 100 super stickers. Wow!Have you ever wanted to journey into history? Well, now is your chance! D...
    Peso: 250 gr
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    12,00 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-5295-0315-9
    • Data de publicació : 09/05/2022
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autor/s : Handford, Martin
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    Hop in a time machine with Wally and join in with the fun through history! Includes games, puzzles and searches set through the ages from the days of the dinosaurs to the wild west and beyond, plus over 100 super stickers. Wow!

    Have you ever wanted to journey into history? Well, now is your chance! Design your own time machine, then whizz back through the ages to play dino-ball with a triceratops, carve stones with cave people, make Aztec-inspired art, join the gold rush and more. It's such a blast in the past with Wally!

    Includes tick-tock-terrific games, puzzles, searches and over 100 super stickers.

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