• A bit lost (paperback)

    Haughton, Chris Walker Books Ref. 9781406333831 Veure articles similars Veure articles del mateix autor
    Charting the journey of a little lost owl, a heart-warming and reassuring read from one of the most exciting new voices in children's literature.The award-winning debut title from Chris Haughton, the acclaimed author-illustrator of Oh No, George! and Shh! We Have a Plan, this is the heart-warming st...
    Ample: 25 cm Altura: 26 cm Peso: 188 gr
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-4063-3383-1
    • Data de publicació : 01/01/2011
    • Any d'edició : 2011
    • Autor/s : Haughton, Chris
    • Núm. de pàgines : 32
    • Col·lecció : SIN COLECCIÓN
    Charting the journey of a little lost owl, a heart-warming and reassuring read from one of the most exciting new voices in children's literature.

    The award-winning debut title from Chris Haughton, the acclaimed author-illustrator of Oh No, George! and Shh! We Have a Plan, this is the heart-warming story of Little Owl - who must be more careful when he is sleeping... Uh-oh! He has fallen from his nest, and with a bump he lands on the ground. Where is his mummy? With the help of his new friend Squirrel, Little Owl sets off in search of her, and meets a sequence of other animals. Yet while one might have his mummy's big eyes, and another her pointy ears, they are simply not her. Chris Haughton's striking colour illustrations follow Little Owl on his quest. Which of his new friends will lead him back to his mummy?

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