• The very busy spider

    Carle, Eric Penguin Books Ref. 9780141338323 Veure articles similars Veure articles del mateix autor
    A classic picture book from Eric Carle, the creator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.In this multi-sensory book, children can feel the pictures as well as see them, while they hear or read the easy rhythmic text. Early one morning a little spider begins to spin her web on a fencepost and she doesn't s...
    Peso: 250 gr
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-14-133832-3
    • Data de publicació : 01/11/2011
    • Any d'edició : 2011
    • Idioma : Inglés
    • Autor/s : Carle, Eric
    • Il·lustrador/a : CARLE, Eric
    • Núm. de pàgines : 32
    • Col·lecció : LONGMAN
    A classic picture book from Eric Carle, the creator of The Very Hungry Caterpillar.

    In this multi-sensory book, children can feel the pictures as well as see them, while they hear or read the easy rhythmic text. Early one morning a little spider begins to spin her web on a fencepost and she doesn't stop until it is finished . . .

    Alongside the visual excitement of Eric Carle's vibrant collages of familiar animals is the tactile experience of feeling the spider's web as it grows from a simple line into a complex and beautiful creation -a perfect story for reading aloud and sharing.

    Eric Carle is an internationally bestselling and award-winning author and illustrator of books for very young children. Eric lives in Massachusetts with his wife, Barbara. The Carles opened The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Massachusetts in 2002.

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