• Where's Spot? (board book)

    Hill, Eric Frederick Warne Ref. 9780723263661 Veure articles similars Veure articles del mateix autor
    Eric Hill's Where's Spot? was the first ever lift-the-flap book - and his ground-breaking innovation continues to delight and surprise readers with interactive fun. Spot has now been a trusted character in early learning for over 40 years, selling over 65 million books worldwide.Join the hunt to fin...
    Ample: 16 cm Altura: 16 cm Peso: 250 gr
    Disponibilitat immediata
    13,90 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-0-7232-6366-1
    • Data de publicació : 01/04/2011
    • Any d'edició : 2011
    • Autor/s : Hill, Eric
    • Núm. de pàgines : 24
    • Col·lecció : FUN WITH SPOT
    Eric Hill's Where's Spot? was the first ever lift-the-flap book - and his ground-breaking innovation continues to delight and surprise readers with interactive fun. Spot has now been a trusted character in early learning for over 40 years, selling over 65 million books worldwide.

    Join the hunt to find lovable Spot in Eric Hill's first ever lift-the-flap tale!

    Lift each flap to find all sorts of funny animal surprises, before discovering where cheeky Spot has been hiding.

    This is the perfect first book for little ones - the playful text is a wonderful spur to read and respond together, and the hide-and-seek flaps encourage curiosity and interactivity.

    This is a reissue of the bestselling board book, now in a smart cased-board format with sturdy, toddler-tough flaps!

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