• Baggage

    MARSHAK, SAMUEL Tate Ref. 9781849761314 Veure articles del mateix autor
    Baggage was first published in russia in 1926 as part of a plan for a new style of picture book, established by the Commissariat of Enlightenment to educate the children of the revolution. It is the product of the exceptional and fruitful collaboration between the two leaders of the movement, the po...
    Peso: 250 gr
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    20,00 €
  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-1-84976-131-4
    • Data de publicació : 01/10/2014
    • Any d'edició : 2014
    • Autor/s : MARSHAK, SAMUEL
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    Baggage was first published in russia in 1926 as part of a plan for a new style of picture book, established by the Commissariat of Enlightenment to educate the children of the revolution. It is the product of the exceptional and fruitful collaboration between the two leaders of the movement, the poet and writer, Samuil Marshak, and the avant-garde artist, Vladimir Lebedev. This elegant new English edition of a classic work of Russian children's literature and illustration has a fun rhyming story coupled with beautiful bright narrative images Not just for children, this is an essential for all lovers of twentieth century avant-garde Russian art. Last week a lady checked her baggage: a suitcase, a hatbox, a couch, a painting, a package, a pouch, and last but not least, one cute little pooch. But will the baggage reach its destination? Follow the fate of the lady, her luggage and her cute little pooch in this charming and stunningly illustrated caper.

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