• Miau!

    Estrella, Joana Planeta Tangerina Ref. 9789899061125 Veure articles del mateix autor
    We share our lives with cats, dogs, turtles, mice or goldfish… and we love them so much that we even say that “they’re part of the family”.But what do those friendships between humans and non-humans look like?What do we look for in them, and what do they want from us?How are we similar and how are w...
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  • Descripció

    • ISBN : 978-989-9061-12-5
    • Data de publicació : 22/10/2022
    • Any d'edició : 0
    • Autor/s : Estrella, Joana
    • Núm. de pàgines : 0
    We share our lives with cats, dogs, turtles, mice or goldfish… and we love them so much that we even say that “they’re part of the family”.
    But what do those friendships between humans and non-humans look like?
    What do we look for in them, and what do they want from us?
    How are we similar and how are we different?

    In this story, told in pictures, we wake up in a house where two cats and a girl live.
    And look! they’re already starting to stretch, inviting us to spend the day with them.

    “Come on!”, say the cats.
    “Meow, meow!”, says the girl.

    This book is part of the Mini-micro collection.

    “Meow!” is a silent graphic novel within reach of smaller readers. This book was created based on research carried out for the project CLAN, using interviews with families and children who share their homes with cats, dogs and other animal species.

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