• Goldilocks and the three bears

    Guarnaccia, Steven Corraini Edizione Ref. 9788875708085 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    The timeless story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is told through Steven Guarnaccia's illustrations, who chooses to insert several famous objects from international design into his interpretation. We'll see Daddy Bear in a chair with a familiar appearance and Goldilocks eating soup with a spoon...
    Peso: 250 gr
    Disponibilidad inmediata
    20,00 €
  • Descripción

    • Número de páginas : 0
    • Autor/es : Guarnaccia, Steven
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Fecha de edición : 10/09/2019
    • ISBN : 978-88-7570-808-5
    The timeless story of "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" is told through Steven Guarnaccia's illustrations, who chooses to insert several famous objects from international design into his interpretation. We'll see Daddy Bear in a chair with a familiar appearance and Goldilocks eating soup with a spoon that you might be recognise...

    As with "The Three Little Pigs", "Cinderella" and "The Emperor's New Clothes", Steven Guarnaccia reinterprets a classic fairy tale through the eyes of both architect and designer, creating mixed-media illustrations with clear lines and sharp, harmonious colours. The book also contains a very useful inventory of designer objects that appear throughout history, which can be spotted among the pages of the story.

    Dimension: 23.0 x 33.0 cm
    Languages: english
    Binding: stitched block
    Pages: 32
    1st edition: 09/2019
    Edition: 1st edition 09/2019

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