• One Day: A True Story of Courage and Survival in the Holocaust

    Rosen, Michael / Phillips, Benjamin Walker Books Ref. 9781529515985 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    A poignant and ultimately uplifting picture book based on a true story of an escape from a convoy to Auschwitz. “Get through one day and then on to the next. One day at a time.One day after another.” Eugène Handschuh was a Jewish member of the Resistance in occupied Paris. After he was captured by t...
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-1-5295-1598-5
    • Fecha de edición : 10/02/2025
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Autor/es : Rosen, Michael / Phillips, Benjamin
    • Número de páginas : 0
    A poignant and ultimately uplifting picture book based on a true story of an escape from a convoy to Auschwitz. “Get through one day and then on to the next. One day at a time.

    One day after another.” Eugène Handschuh was a Jewish member of the Resistance in occupied Paris. After he was captured by the Nazis, he was placed on a convoy to Auschwitz. Against all the odds, with the help of strangers and fellow members of the Resistance, Eugène and his father escaped the convoy and survived – when so many others did not.

    Former Children's Laureate Michael Rosen was inspired to tell this story after discovering his father’s uncle and aunt were on the same convoy as Eugène, but never returned. With powerful illustrations from Benjamin Phillips, whose work has been shortlisted for the Carnegie Medal for Illustration, this sensitive true-story picture book reminds us of the best of people, in the worst of times.

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