• The Tea Dragon Festival

    O'Neill, Katie Oni Press Ref. 9781620106556 Ver otros productos similares Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    "Gentle, inclusive, andheartwarming, Tea Dragon Festival will bewitch existing fans and new readersalike." - Jen Wang (The Prince and theDressmaker)Revisitthe enchanting world of Tea Dragons with an all-new companion story to thetwo-time Eisner Award-winning graphic novel The Tea DragonSociety!"Gent...
    Peso: 250 gr
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  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-1-62010-655-6
    • Fecha de edición : 01/06/2020
    • Año de edición : 2020
    • Autor/es : O'Neill, Katie
    • Número de páginas : 0
    • Colección : SIMON AND SCHUSTER (UK)
    "Gentle, inclusive, andheartwarming, Tea Dragon Festival will bewitch existing fans and new readersalike." - Jen Wang (The Prince and theDressmaker)Revisitthe enchanting world of Tea Dragons with an all-new companion story to thetwo-time Eisner Award-winning graphic novel The Tea DragonSociety!"Gentle, inclusive, andheartwarming, Tea Dragon Festival will bewitch existing fans and new readersalike." - Jen Wang (The Prince and the Dressmaker)Revisit the enchantingworld of Tea Dragons with an all-new companion story to the two-time EisnerAward-winning graphic novel The Tea Dragon Society!Rinn has grown up with theTea Dragons that inhabit their village, but stumbling across a real dragon turnsout to be a different matter entirely! Aedhan is a young dragon who wasappointed to protect the village but fell asleep in the forest eighty years ago. With the aid of Rinn's adventuring uncle Erik and his partner Hesekiel, theyinvestigate the mystery of his enchanted sleep, but Rinn's real challenge is tohelp Aedhan come to terms with feeling that he cannot get back the time he haslost. Critically-acclaimedgraphic novelist Katie O'Neill delivers another charming, gentle fantasy storyabout finding your purpose, and the community that helps you along theway.

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