• Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians

    Riddell, Chris Campbell Ref. 9781529009361 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    Costa award-winner Chris Riddell's gorgeous magical adventure. With two-colour illustrations throughout, this beautiful jacketed hardback is the perfect gift.Zam, Phoebe and Bathsheba, the three guardians of magic, disappeared with no warning nearly ten years ago, leaving the Kingdom of Thrynne in t...
    Peso: 250 gr
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    18,50 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-1-5290-0936-1
    • Fecha de edición : 03/12/2022
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Autor/es : Riddell, Chris
    • Número de páginas : 0
    Costa award-winner Chris Riddell's gorgeous magical adventure. With two-colour illustrations throughout, this beautiful jacketed hardback is the perfect gift.

    Zam, Phoebe and Bathsheba, the three guardians of magic, disappeared with no warning nearly ten years ago, leaving the Kingdom of Thrynne in the icy grip of a powerful sorceress. Most people have fled in desperate search of warmer lands, escaping the snow monsters that roam the streets.

    Meanwhile, nine-year-old Tiggy Thistle lives hidden and safe with a kindly Badger - until the day she
    meets the elf Crumple Stiltskin, one of the crafty Stiltskin brothers, she suddenly has to run from her happy home.

    So begins Tiggy's quest to find Zam, Phoebe and Bathsheba - the lost guardians and their beautiful
    cloud horses - the only people, she believes, who can save Thrynne from the curse of endless winter.

    Tiggy Thistle and the Lost Guardians is the second and final title in The Cloud Horse Chronicles.

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