• Wildfire

    Bard, Breena LB Kids Ref. 9780316277655 Ver otros productos del mismo autor
    An inspiring and moving graphic novel, Wildfire follows climate change through the eyes of one middle-school girl, who's eager to turn her anger into action. Julianna loved her life in rural Oregon. She loved taking care of her farm animals and being part of her local 4H club.But then the unthinkabl...
    Peso: 250 gr
    Disponibilidad inmediata
    15,50 €
  • Descripción

    • ISBN : 978-0-316-27765-5
    • Fecha de edición : 30/04/2024
    • Año de edición : 0
    • Autor/es : Bard, Breena
    • Número de páginas : 0
    An inspiring and moving graphic novel, Wildfire follows climate change through the eyes of one middle-school girl, who's eager to turn her anger into action. Julianna loved her life in rural Oregon. She loved taking care of her farm animals and being part of her local 4H club.

    But then the unthinkable happened...a wildfire destroyed her family's home. In the aftermath, her family relocated to Portland, Oregon, where Julianna hopes to put everything behind her. Believing the fire to be the result of kids playing with fireworks, she certainly isn't interested when her parents and younger sister start getting involved in the growing climate change protests.

    All she wants to do is move on, but that becomes near impossible when Carson, an old friend from her hometown who may have had a hand in starting the wildfire, is suddenly back in her life. Julianna can't seem to catch a break, but when two new friends invite her to join their school's conservation club, she learns that maybe she can turn her anger into something powerful. Emotional and inspiring, Wildfire shows readers that healing from tragedy can take many forms and demonstrates what it means to take action in the face of climate change-and how that action can be different for each of us.

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